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The IDP 'Digital Privacy Self-defence' training seminar gives you the background knowledge and practical skills to protect your mobile phone, computer and online services from unwanted tracking and profiling.

You'll be shocked by the stories of how your data is being used and relieved to find out how easy it can be to protect yourself - even if you're not technically minded.

  • In Part 1 'The Digital Threat to Privacy', we look at what privacy means, and how Internet brands and their hidden networks threaten our privacy.  And how and why government and Big Tech companies work hand-in-hand on mass surveillance.

  • In Part 2 'How Do We Protect Our Digital Privacy?', you'll learn the practical steps of digital privacy self-defence. This includes the technical fundamentals and how they apply to your devices, online services and even the smart cities we now live in. And where technical measures fall short, we look at your legal rights.

  • In Part 3 'The Future of Digital Privacy', we take a glimpse into the future of digital technology and its implications for your privacy.

Our training seminar will save you hundreds of hours of research, testing and frustration. We've done that work for you.

How is training provided? Our online presentation is 2.5 hours duration, with 30 easy to follow recorded modules. It gives you convenient, instant access to watch and review at your own pace for just £19.84.


If your company, not-for-profit, association or education institution (16+) would like to run a live onsite or webinar for a group of employees, members or students read on...

©  Institute for Digital Privacy

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